Articles Posted in RESPA VIOLATIONS

The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) under the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has a mechanism for consumers and others to file a complaint with RESPA if RESPA violations are being committed or you believe that RESPA violation is being committed. If a complaint is going to be filed with the RESPA division please make sure you follow the following steps so your complaint gets the most attention from the investigators:

1. List the names,addresses, and phone numbers of the alleged violators of RESPA;
2. Write a detailed summary of what happened or what’s happening that leads you to believe that a violation is taking or has taken place;
3. Make sure you list the specific section of the RESPA statute that was violated. Often times regulators or investigators will miss even the most generic of violations so listing the appropriate violations will help them do their job better;
4. Check your spelling and make sure the complaint is coherent and easily understood to the reader; and 5. Include your name, phone number, and address in the complaint so that an investigator can contact you for more information, if they need to contact you. RESPA Complaints can be submitted confidentially to HUD as well. If you believe you have a potential litigation matter with RESPA to HUD, I would recommend that you submit your complaint to your attorneys prior to submission to the HUD office or let your attorneys file the complaint for you.
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